Wednesday, November 18, 2009

realizations, conclusions and pleadings.

[is 'pleadings' i noun? why do i feel the urge to spell noun with a k at the beginning? it's a wild day, this one.]

you remind me of a friend i used to have that i took advantage of pretty awfully. i think that's why i am drawn to you, i need to feel redeemed.

even though you are very much alive, i am beginning to believe in reincarnation because of you. bits of you keep popping up in everyone i know, particularly those i care for deeply. please, i am asking you respectfully, go away.

note to self - admission of guilt is the first step to self-forgiveness.

ps. i'd like to thank "p.s. greetings" for charging $1 for a card and printing on the back that it costs $3.25, thereby giving the impression that i am less cheap than i truly am.

in conclusion, you are appreciated, more than that-you are loved.

Friday, November 6, 2009

i seriously have the best boyfriend.

he watched Matilda with me, the entire way through, smiling at me and loving it when i said what they were going to say before they said it. he appreciates little things about me, and i absolutely love that about him. i'm a lucky, lucky girl.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

it's a small, lovely world.

i love when i discover that someone i am friends with now shared an experience with me before we knew each other [ie attended the same concert]

i love spending time with james.

i love that he loves his sister, and i love that he expresses it in his own way [like buying her left for dead 2 so they can play it together when it comes out]

i love having time to relax during the semester, i love it that things aren't so rushed.

i love, absolutely love, getting letters [and presents!] from my wonderful, sweet friend in chile whom i love with so much of my heart and whom i think of every day. she's so wonderful.goodness, i'm goofy-lookin. :]

Sunday, November 1, 2009

its whatever, its mario.

i was feeling really good earlier, and i was planning on writing about how great things are and how i think i made the right decision moving out because things with my parents are wonderful and things with james are wonderful, but i don't feel that well right now.

and i wanted to blog, too. i was so looking forward to writing. now i've got nothing.

just a kitten chasing tissue paper and candy wrappers, and a boyfriend playing video games who won't go to bed.

...oh and a stack of homework i haven't finished, due tomorrow.

welcome to november.