Thursday, October 29, 2009

that's enough being bummed.

i have it good, so good.

[leave it to karen o. and jamesy to lift my spirits]

no title, take 2

every day at work i am faced with the realization that i am not a very positive person. it's something i have always known. i am easily disappointed, let down, upset. i had convinced myself it was beaten altogether, but lately, like i said, it's become blatantly apparent.
'be happy, think happy, you are happy'
i wish it were so simple.

the good news is that when i come home, things are better. i like myself and my life and my boyfriend and my family and my friends.
it's just, sometimes, i don't like it as much, sometimes.

why can't i escape? will i ever?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 Characteristics of a Virtuous Person

[according to William Godwin, anarchist]

1. Have benevolent intentions
2. The effects of your actions must actually be beneficial to others.
3. Your actions produce benefits that correspond with your capabilities.

I will strive for this, Virtue.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

fall 2009

fall 2009

i've been wanting to do this for a while.
and, despite the issues i've had with it in the past, i guess i'll use this google blog for now. i wanted to use typepad, my cousin chelsea has it and her blog is always beautiful. this will have to suffice, however, because typepad isn't free and i can't justify paying for it right now, even if it is absolutely lovely. [maybe it's because she writes so nicely that typepad seems better..]

anyway, i think i had a revelation yesterday. i was thinking about life and i just felt like i want to take pictures, like i would be okay -better than okay, i would be happy- if that's all i did with my life.
when i went outside a few days ago to take pictures, make pictures as one of my most favorite family members would say, it was for long delayed and much needed photographs of fall. oh, how i love the fall. it's the best season. i love the bright, rich, natural colors of the leaves changing, i love wearing light jackets and sweaters. it's in the fall that i most often think to the day when i'll be like my grandparents, sitting on their porch early in the morning, drinking coffee and watching the leaves fall, before work, of course. :] it just makes me happy to think that no matter how old i am, fall will come once a year, every year, and brighten my spirits.
the point of this is to say that the beauty of fall made me realize how much i love photography, how much i want to keep it from just being a phase i go through. i come back to it often though, even when i have off seasons i always come back to it eventually.fall 2009